Montreal: Tips from Trad. Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine builds on more than 3000 years of history. Its most important measures are every-day habits that prevent disease and support good health. In this presentation with subsequent discussion, we will find out how to:

– foster a healthy lifestyle
– keep the balance between nature and human being, mind and body
– sleep with respect to the seasons and timetable of the meridian lines
– the importance of a warm and balanced meal
– benefits of exercises such as meditation, Tai ji Quan and other sports
– etc.

Wei Zheng is acupuncturist (Québec) and doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China). He has more than 25 years of professional experience in hospitals and medical centers in China, United States and Canada. He specializes in internal medicine, neurology, gynaecology, infertility and some complicated diseases.

Wei holds M.D. degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Conventional Medicine (also called Western Medicine in China) from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the most prestigious and leading institution in TCM in China with a solid reputation both at national and international levels. He is member of Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec.

Web Site:

This event is part of the monthly Dinner & Talks (souper-causerie) organized by Surya Montreal, in cooperation with La Pantère Verte. The idea is to offer a platform for sharing information about a self-determined lifestyle and to meet with like-minded people. The event starts with a presentation by an expert, followed by questions and informal discussions while sharing a vegetarian meal.

Costs: 14.50$ upfront online or 16$ box office (cash only!)
Registration mandatory before February 1st, 2:00 p.m. – > souper-causerie

The price includes:
– the presentation with questions/discussion
– a vegetarian dinner (bowl)
– taxes and tips
– 10% discount on drinks and deserts

For questions, please feel free to send us a private message or call: 514 431 5248

surya chinese medmedicine

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