Massage workshop: Relaxing upper body & anchoring for autumn
October 20, 14:00 – 17:00
In fall, nature is preparing for the winter ..
With the weather more gloomy, our mood suffers ..
And if you took time to do yourself good, and learn to do good to those you love for the long nights to come?
According to Chinese energetics, autumn is the metal season, linked to the organs of the lungs and the large intestine.
During this 3h workshop, we will understand why for example the recurrence of colds or gastroenteritis is more frequent in autumn thanks to theoretical notions;
these notions will allow us to set up simple small actions in our lives to stay in physical and emotional health.
The practical part will include massages dressed for two (lying and standing) for:
- an energy harmonization linked to the season
- increase its vitality to prepare for the winter.
And will include the following areas:
- upper body relaxation (upper back, shoulders, neck, arms)
- legs
- acupressure points
The workshop will be given by Claudette Ah-Soon massage therapist in shiatsu yin, and certified yoga teacher who also teaches and shares her passion for qi-gong / tai-chi and meditation.
Massage therapist in shiatsu yin since 2013, Claudette has been trained in Europe and Japan. Wishing to give everyone the opportunity to tame their health, she is happy to share her experience and passion during a 3-hour workshop, which is part of a series of workshops corresponding to each season.
Based on Chinese medicine and receiving it dressed, on the ground, this art of yin touch is the art of toning to find harmony, health and vitality with energy that circulates better!
3 hours practical and theoretical workshop.
Price: $ 45 + taxes
Mandatory reservation :
Contact :
– private message on facebook
– email:
– Claudette: 514-431-5248